Community Bank Heyfield & District


54 Temple St, Heyfield VIC 3858, Australia
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Heyfield & District Community Bank Branch is a partner with Bendigo and Adelaide bank Limited. The branch officially opened for business on 19th May 2001 and since then it has contributed more than $780,000.00 back to the local community through grants, sponsorship's and donations. It has also given back more than $240,000.00 to it's local shareholders.

This has only been possible with the support of the branch's shareholders and customers.

Heyfield & District Community Bank Branch offers a full range of banking products and services. These include:

  • Insurance products
  • Business/clubs/not-for-profit sector products
  • Personal accounts
  • Wealth products - superannuation, funeral bonds, managed investments
  • Business and consumer lending
  • Telecommunications
  • Foreign exchange - foreign cash, cheques, telegraphic transfers

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