Family Fun & Outdoor
Polocross Ln, Fulham VIC 3851, Australia
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Saturday May 10 from 8:00am, to 5:00pm
Sunday May 11 from 8:00am, to 5:00pm
As the name itself implies, Polocrosse is a combination of polo, lacrosse and netball. It is played on horseback, each rider using a cane stick, made up of a polo stick shaft to which is attached a squash racquet type head with a loose twisted-thread net, in which the ball is carried.
Sale Polocrosse Club is almost into it’s 62nd Year as a club. An excellent club, with generations of families playing, from as young as 7 to as old at 70. The Sale Polocrosse Club’s members might vary in age, but not in their willingness to be a united club. We are a very welcoming club for anyone wanting to take up the sport or even just come and watch one of our carnivals.
Come along and experience a great day of polocrosse at the Sale Polocrosse fields.